What Are "Insights"?
"Insights" are the in-app currency of the Oriole Insights Telegram Mini App. Earn them through engagement and exchange them for ORI, the platform’s primary internal currency. The more Insights you collect, the higher your ORI rewards!
Ways to Earn "Insights"
1. Daily Claims
Users can claim a progressive daily reward of "Insights".
The reward increases each consecutive day you claim.
Missing a day resets progress, requiring users to start over.
The maximum claimable amount reaches 1,000 "Insights" on Day 10.
2. Social & Community Tasks
Engaging with Oriole Insights' social media and community channels earns additional "Insights". Tasks include:
Social Media Engagement (Twitter, Discord, Telegram tasks: like, retweet, comment, share).
Community Participation (Share predictions or discuss topics on Twitter, Discord, Telegram).
3. Platform-Based Tasks
These tasks involve interacting directly with the Oriole Insights platform, encouraging deeper engagement. They include:
Predicting on specific markets, being a Validator, etc.
Completing milestone-based achievements
4. Limited Slot Tasks
Specific tasks offer higher "Insights" rewards but are limited in availability.
Once a set number of users complete the task, it becomes unavailable.
These tasks typically involve high-value engagement or specific platform actions.
How to Exchange "Insights" for ORI?
"Insights" can be exchanged for ORI at a fixed rate, which is displayed in the Earn tab.
Accumulate "Insights" through daily engagement and activities.
Open the Swap Section in the Mini App.
Select the amount of "Insights" you want to exchange.
Confirm the swap and receive ORI in your balance.
The conversion rate may fluctuate, so users should check before swapping.
Once converted, ORI can be used to predict all available markets on the Web platform.
By effectively earning "Insights", users can maximize their earnings and become more involved in Oriole Insights’ prediction markets.